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Related Papers. Lidia Yakovleva. Екатеринбург, 16—17 ноября г. Andrey Speransky. These works have become part of the exhibition of works by modern Ural stone cutters, most of the presented works are made in the technique of three-dimensional mosaics. Traces the entrepreneur with the state interaction, and attempts to identify a real contribution to the production and the region development and the reasons for the Knauf failure. Petersburg masters of the turn of the 20th — 21st centuries. The Chamber had its own branches and appointed correspondents almost everywhere. Such statements are repeated many times in publications devoted to the activities of V. Серия «Социально-гуманитарные науки».

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  • The Barents Region boasts one of the largest intact forest ecosystems remaining on Earth. Forests and mires have a significant impact on the global climate. Новая социокультурная ситуация, вызванная изменениями политического и социального характера, поставила публичные библиотеки перед необходимостью.

    It showed the works of students of arts and crafts school No. Andrei Keller. This relationship began in summer with to the establishment of the Technical Department of the Czech troops in the region. The author concludes that the Russian-Czechoslovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry laid the foundation for future cooperation between Czechoslovakia and liberated Russia. Such statements are repeated many times in publications devoted to the activities of V. The Chamber had its own branches and appointed correspondents almost everywhere. Бакунинские чтения : мат-лы ХIV Всерос.

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    Keywords: Industrial heritage, industrial culture, tourism, industrial monuments, valorization, value system. Искусство Евразии [Электронный журнал] Будрина Л. Traces the entrepreneur with the state interaction, and attempts to identify a real contribution to the production and the region development and the reasons for the Knauf failure. Екатеринбург, Related Papers. Серия «Социально-гуманитарные науки». Meanwhile, this concept seems to be at least incomplete. This article examines the economic cooperation between representatives of the Czechoslovak Republic and the governments in the Urals during the Russian Civil War to restore production, supply industrial enterprises, and solve social problems. The book is the first special study on the history of the workers of a unique Siberian manufacture - the Kolyvan Polishing Factory. Колчака после прихода его к власти не означал прекращения начавшегося экономического сотрудничества. Кнауфа в горнозаводской промышленности Урала, — гг. The author concludes that the Russian-Czechoslovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry laid the foundation for future cooperation between Czechoslovakia and liberated Russia. Petersburg masters of the turn of the 20th — 21st centuries. The crisis of de-industrialization at the turn of —s led to the devaluation of the industrial culture. Need an account?

    Russian-German businessman Andrew Knauf is a remarkable person and an innovator in the Urals mining and metallurgical industry of the early nineteenth century, who made a positive impact on its development. Его жизненный путь оставляет много вопросов, ответы на которые до сих пор не найдены. It showed the works of students of arts and crafts school No. Кнауфа в горнозаводской промышленности Урала, — гг. Lidia Yakovleva Tikhobaeva , Ph. В статье освещена история фабрики Эйнем с г. Сперанский, А. Related Papers.

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  • Искусство Евразии [Электронный журнал] Будрина Л. Andrey Speransky. Промышленная история Урала будет неполной, если не отдать должное вкладу российско-немецкого предпринимателя Андрея Кнауфа 5. Related Papers. These documents are particularly important given the paucity of relevant sources in Russia. The author examines the Knauf activities as the holder of the mining enterprises, modernized due to the transfer of Western technologies.

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  • In the XX century, as a component of the state ideology, the industrial culture become a part of the everyday life of the whole country. Traces the entrepreneur with the state interaction, and attempts to identify a real contribution to the production and the region development and the reasons for the Knauf failure. Bylye Gody. Georgy Shumkin. Through the example of the Zlatoust arms factory, this article shows the integration and transformation of crafts into large-scale industrial production with a considerable degree of mechanisation. Рабочие Колыванской шлифовальной фабрики в XIX веке. This article examines the economic cooperation between representatives of the Czechoslovak Republic and the governments in the Urals during the Russian Civil War to restore production, supply industrial enterprises, and solve social problems. В статье освещена история фабрики Эйнем с г. Статья посвящена проблемам экономического взаимодействия представителей Чехословацкой республики с существовавшими на территории Урала в годы Гражданской войны белыми правительствами. Anatolii Kurlaev. Galina Ulianova. Russian-German businessman Andrew Knauf is a remarkable person and an innovator in the Urals mining and metallurgical industry of the early nineteenth century, who made a positive impact on its development. According to this concept, the development of three-dimensional mosaics takes place along the line of Faberge — Konovalenko — St.

    Anatolii Kurlaev. Бакунинские чтения : мат-лы ХIV Всерос. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. Remember me on this computer. The author demonstrates that this bilateral cooperation, resolved many issues, including the establishment of governing bodies. Дана характеристика видов, выпускавшихся на уральских заводах танков, представлены их тактико-технические данные, количественные показатели выпуска, рассмотрены вопросы практического применения бронемашин в годы Великой Отечественной войны и военных конфликтах послевоенного периода. Колчака после прихода его к власти не означал прекращения начавшегося экономического сотрудничества. В статье освещена история фабрики Эйнем с г.

    Лики Земли из космоса. Кононов Ньургун Родионович. Научный руководитель: Андросова. Аграфена Ильинична, Пахомова Любовь. Семеновна. The dominant paradigm for the evaluation of early nineteenth-century Ural industrial development in the case of the Zlatoust factory suggests that its.

    The author demonstrates that this bilateral cooperation, resolved many issues, including the establishment of governing bodies. The research is based on the genealogical method. The author examines the Knauf activities as the holder of the mining enterprises, modernized due to the transfer of Western technologies. The book is the first special study on the history of the workers of a unique Siberian manufacture - the Kolyvan Polishing Factory. Galina Ulianova. Kolchak did not halt economic cooperation, which both Russian industrialists and the Czechoslovak representatives supported.

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  • To browse Academia. In the XX century, as a component of the state ideology, the industrial culture become a part of the everyday life of the whole country. Lidia Yakovleva. Kolchak did not halt economic cooperation, which both Russian industrialists and the Czechoslovak representatives supported. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. The article refers to the history of Russian stone-cutting art of the mid-twentieth century.

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  • To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. The relevance of the article is due to the established and actively broadcast scheme of continuity and artistic superiority of various Russian centres, based on outdated approaches to the consideration of Russian stone-cutting art and its history. The book is the first special study on the history of the workers of a unique Siberian manufacture - the Kolyvan Polishing Factory. Anatolii Kurlaev. The crisis of de-industrialization at the turn of —s led to the devaluation of the industrial culture.

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    Но в одном можно быть совершенно уверенным — Андрей Кнауф является незаурядной личностью и инноватором в горнозаводской и металлургической промышленности Урала, оказавшим положительное влияние на развитие последней. Need an account? It showed the works of students of arts and crafts school No. Кнауфа в горнозаводской промышленности Урала, — гг. To browse Academia. The crisis of de-industrialization at the turn of —s led to the devaluation of the industrial culture. Серия «Социально-гуманитарные науки». The author makes a fundamental difference between financial failure Knauf and its role in enterprises technical and social modernization, which became for some time the Ural growth and innovation leaders, directly influenced the steam engines in the state factories introduction. Related Papers. The development of tourism, the emergence of other ways of use of the cultural capital of the region, allow to judge about actualization of the value potential of the industrial culture. Ludmila Budrina. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Andrey Speransky.

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  • Anatolii Kurlaev. Bylye Gody. The crisis of de-industrialization at the turn of —s led to the devaluation of the industrial culture. To browse Academia. It showed the works of students of arts and crafts school No.

    In the XX century, as a component of the state ideology, the industrial culture become a part of the everyday life of the whole country. Traditionally, the attention of researchers was riveted to the colossal stone-cutting art products of the Imperial Kolyvan polishing factory, which was the Russian Empire diplomatic gifts and decorated the palaces in Russia and Europe. Through the example of the Zlatoust arms factory, this article shows the integration and transformation of crafts into large-scale industrial production with a considerable degree of mechanisation. Его жизненный путь оставляет много вопросов, ответы на которые до сих пор не найдены. Petersburg masters of the turn of the 20th — 21st centuries. The author examines the Knauf activities as the holder of the mining enterprises, modernized due to the transfer of Western technologies. Колчака после прихода его к власти не означал прекращения начавшегося экономического сотрудничества. The Chamber had its own branches and appointed correspondents almost everywhere. Andrei Keller. Бакунинские чтения : мат-лы ХIV Всерос. This article examines the economic cooperation between representatives of the Czechoslovak Republic and the governments in the Urals during the Russian Civil War to restore production, supply industrial enterprises, and solve social problems. It showed the works of students of arts and crafts school No. Тихобаева Л. It also examines the paradigms of state and private ownership.

    This relationship began in summer with to the establishment of the Technical Department of the Czech troops in the region. Дана характеристика видов, выпускавшихся на уральских заводах танков, представлены их тактико-технические данные, количественные показатели выпуска, рассмотрены вопросы практического применения бронемашин в годы Великой Отечественной войны и военных конфликтах послевоенного периода. Traditionally, the attention of researchers was riveted to the colossal stone-cutting art products of the Imperial Kolyvan polishing factory, which was the Russian Empire diplomatic gifts and decorated the palaces in Russia and Europe. Related Papers. Russian-German businessman Andrew Knauf is a remarkable person and an innovator in the Urals mining and metallurgical industry of the early nineteenth century, who made a positive impact on its development. XVIII в. Статья посвящена проблемам экономического взаимодействия представителей Чехословацкой республики с существовавшими на территории Урала в годы Гражданской войны белыми правительствами. Сперанский, А. Georgy Shumkin. Andrei Keller.

    The Barents Region boasts one of the largest intact forest ecosystems remaining on Earth. Forests and mires have a significant impact on the global climate. Предлагаемый читателю сборник состоит из двух разделов. Открывают его материалы освещающие деятельность Арктического плавучего университета.

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    Kolchak did not halt economic cooperation, which both Russian industrialists and the Czechoslovak representatives supported. Рабочие Колыванской шлифовальной фабрики в XIX веке. Need an account? Its importance starts to be fully aware not only by academic, civil society, but also by government, business. Related Papers. The author examines the Knauf activities as the holder of the mining enterprises, modernized due to the transfer of Western technologies.

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  • Ludmila Budrina. This article examines the economic cooperation between representatives of the Czechoslovak Republic and the governments in the Urals during the Russian Civil War to restore production, supply industrial enterprises, and solve social problems. Click here to sign up. It brings the problem of preservation of industrial monuments to a qualitatively new level. Колчака после прихода его к власти не означал прекращения начавшегося экономического сотрудничества. Russian-German businessman Andrew Knauf is a remarkable person and an innovator in the Urals mining and metallurgical industry of the early nineteenth century, who made a positive impact on its development.

    Лирика капсулы 300 мг Кондопога XIX в. Шумкин Г. Knauf can be attributed to a new type of entrepreneur, socially responsible business. The author demonstrates that this bilateral cooperation, resolved many issues, including the establishment of governing bodies. His experience is interesting in the context of serfdom and the lack of qualified personnel in the existing system possessional factories.

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  • Колчака после прихода его к власти не означал прекращения начавшегося экономического сотрудничества. According to this concept, the development of three-dimensional mosaics takes place along the line of Faberge — Konovalenko — St. XVIII в. The focus is on the technique of three-dimensional mosaic, the traditions of its application, and the continuity in the application. Galina Ulianova. Его жизненный путь оставляет много вопросов, ответы на которые до сих пор не найдены. С января по июль г. The author concludes that the Russian-Czechoslovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry laid the foundation for future cooperation between Czechoslovakia and liberated Russia. At the same time, it gradually increased the number of participants and expanded its practical activities, thus actively helping to restore industry in the Urals. Искусство Евразии [Электронный журнал] Будрина Л.

    The relevance of the article is due to the established and actively broadcast scheme of continuity and artistic superiority of various Russian centres, based on outdated approaches to the consideration of Russian stone-cutting art and its history. Но в одном можно быть совершенно уверенным — Андрей Кнауф является незаурядной личностью и инноватором в горнозаводской и металлургической промышленности Урала, оказавшим положительное влияние на развитие последней. The development of tourism, the emergence of other ways of use of the cultural capital of the region, allow to judge about actualization of the value potential of the industrial culture. Его жизненный путь оставляет много вопросов, ответы на которые до сих пор не найдены. It also examines the paradigms of state and private ownership. Ульянова Г.

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  • Andrey Speransky. XVIII в. Lidia Yakovleva Tikhobaeva , Ph. Рабочие Колыванской шлифовальной фабрики в XIX веке. Georgy Shumkin. Traditionally, the attention of researchers was riveted to the colossal stone-cutting art products of the Imperial Kolyvan polishing factory, which was the Russian Empire diplomatic gifts and decorated the palaces in Russia and Europe. Kolchak did not halt economic cooperation, which both Russian industrialists and the Czechoslovak representatives supported. The book is the first special study on the history of the workers of a unique Siberian manufacture - the Kolyvan Polishing Factory. Урал индустриальный. Бакунинские чтения : мат-лы ХIV Всерос.

    НЕИЗВЕСТНОЕ ОБ ИЗВЕСТНОМ. М. Б. Свердлов. Ломоносов и Петр Великий. 3. А. Ю. Вертячих. Газетчик Ломоносов. 9. Е. В. Карпова. Портрет М. В. Ломоносова работы.

    Through the example of the Zlatoust arms factory, this article shows the integration and transformation of crafts into large-scale industrial production with a considerable degree of mechanisation. This article examines the economic cooperation between representatives of the Czechoslovak Republic and the governments in the Urals during the Russian Civil War to restore production, supply industrial enterprises, and solve social problems. Промышленная история Урала будет неполной, если не отдать должное вкладу российско-немецкого предпринимателя Андрея Кнауфа 5. XVIII в. The development of tourism, the emergence of other ways of use of the cultural capital of the region, allow to judge about actualization of the value potential of the industrial culture. Ludmila Budrina. Need an account? Download Free PDF. Bylye Gody. Рабочие Колыванской шлифовальной фабрики в XIX веке. В статье освещена история фабрики Эйнем с г. The crisis of de-industrialization at the turn of —s led to the devaluation of the industrial culture.

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  • The dominant paradigm for the evaluation of early nineteenth-century Ural industrial development in the case of the Zlatoust factory suggests that its transfer to the state in was inevitable. Click here to sign up. The book is the first special study on the history of the workers of a unique Siberian manufacture - the Kolyvan Polishing Factory. Автор приходит к выводу о том, что Русско-Чехословацкая торгово-промышленная палата заложила основы для реализации плана будущего государственного сотрудничества Чехословацкой республики и освобожденной России, и даже последовавший отказ чехословаков от военного взаимодействия с правительством А. Kolchak did not halt economic cooperation, which both Russian industrialists and the Czechoslovak representatives supported. Между инновацией и традицией — It also examines the paradigms of state and private ownership. Knauf can be attributed to a new type of entrepreneur, socially responsible business. Ульянова Г. The author concludes that the Russian-Czechoslovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry laid the foundation for future cooperation between Czechoslovakia and liberated Russia.

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    The relevance of the article is due to the established and actively broadcast scheme of continuity and artistic superiority of various Russian centres, based on outdated approaches to the consideration of Russian stone-cutting art and its history. Промышленная история Урала будет неполной, если не отдать должное вкладу российско-немецкого предпринимателя Андрея Кнауфа 5. The book is the first special study on the history of the workers of a unique Siberian manufacture - the Kolyvan Polishing Factory. Through the example of the Zlatoust arms factory, this article shows the integration and transformation of crafts into large-scale industrial production with a considerable degree of mechanisation. The author makes a fundamental difference between financial failure Knauf and its role in enterprises technical and social modernization, which became for some time the Ural growth and innovation leaders, directly influenced the steam engines in the state factories introduction. Екатеринбург, Lidia Yakovleva. Anatolii Kurlaev.

    The author demonstrates that this bilateral cooperation, resolved many issues, including the establishment of governing bodies. The Chamber had its own branches and appointed correspondents almost everywhere. Lidia Yakovleva. Its importance starts to be fully aware not only by academic, civil society, but also by government, business. Между инновацией и традицией — Колчака после прихода его к власти не означал прекращения начавшегося экономического сотрудничества. At the same time, it gradually increased the number of participants and expanded its practical activities, thus actively helping to restore industry in the Urals. According to this concept, the development of three-dimensional mosaics takes place along the line of Faberge — Konovalenko — St. Сперанский, А. It also examines the paradigms of state and private ownership. The development of tourism, the emergence of other ways of use of the cultural capital of the region, allow to judge about actualization of the value potential of the industrial culture.]

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  • Колчака после прихода его к власти не означал прекращения начавшегося экономического сотрудничества. To browse Academia. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. The relevance of the article is due to the established and actively broadcast scheme of continuity and artistic superiority of various Russian centres, based on outdated approaches to the consideration of Russian stone-cutting art and its history. Need an account? Его жизненный путь оставляет много вопросов, ответы на которые до сих пор не найдены. The focus is on the technique of three-dimensional mosaic, the traditions of its application, and the continuity in the application.